MRPS is a PUBLIC SCHOOL which is managed by an elected Governing Body. The Governing Body takes cognisance of the school's mission and takes care that traditional values and the ethos of the school are upheld.
Our Present School Governing Body Parent Members are:
Will be added shortly.
Parent Information Tip: The School Governing Body (SGB) is a statutory body of parents, educators, non-teaching staff and learners (from Grade 8 or higher) who seek to work together to promote the well-being and effectiveness of the school community and thereby enhance learning and teaching. Section 20 of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 as amended (SASA) determines various functions applicable to all SGBs. SGBs may also request “additional functions" as listed in section 21 of SASA from the Head of Department in each province. The provincial minister of education may also confer these additional functions (listed in section 21 of SASA) upon schools if he/she so determines and is satisfied that the SGBs concerned have the capacity to perform such functions effectively. Read more on the WCED website...
This opportunity is afforded to all the Grade 7 learners. Those interested in being part of the prefect body attend workshops to develop their leadership skills.
They are expected to perform certain duties on behalf of staff, and to be ambassadors for our school at all times.
We also have Library Prefects who assist in the Library after school. This group is made up of learners from Grade 6 learners.
Our Scholar Patrol is also made up of a group of Grade 6 learners who volunteer their service to the school. They are trained by the Traffic Department.